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Websites and Marketing for Accountants

New Zealand

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We make accountants and bookkeepers incredible online. Our job is to make accountants and bookkeepers incredible online. With our websites, content and online marketing, we help accounting and bookkeeping firms across the globe win more business, engage their clients and save time. We love working with accounting and bookkeeping firms. By creating great online content for accountants and bookkeepers, we directly assist business owners in achieving their goals.
Wielkość firmy klienta
Model cenowy
  • Ryczałt
  • Za projekt
  • Dowolny
Obszar geograficzny
  • New Zealand
  • Angielski
Historie sukcesu


pmwPlus knew they wanted a new website and knew they needed someone to help manage it. Bo told us “Bizink fulfilled the brief, they knew exactly what we wanted because they’re experienced in the financial services sector. It just felt right.”


Building a custom-designed website Bo described the custom design process as “fabulous!” “We were very specific with our brief as to what we needed and the brief, and Bizink certainly delivered on that.” “I’m just grateful to be given a website that’s so easy to use” Bo added


“It’s so worth having the Bizink subscription!” “I have worked on other websites and it has been so stressful. Some sites are so difficult to use and even updating a heading is hard work. The Bizink website gives me a good framework so I can use, edit and update the website easily.”


Choosing Bizink Mark first came across Bizink while browsing the website of another client of ours in the UK. “I really liked the look of the site, I liked the layout so I had a look to see who built it and then got in touch with Bizink,” Mark said.


After Mark chose his design, Bizink’s production team got started with the build. “The initial website build was very quick and very easy. I couldn’t believe how quickly you had a live website up and running for us, just from the little initial info we provided!” Mark explained.


Success “Within 2 months of our website going live, we picked up a client which was worth £7000 a year which was a direct enquiry through the website,” Mark said. “And that client was right in our ideal client category which was even better.”


“For as many years as I can remember I have built my own websites. My philosophy is if I advise clients on something then I need to know how to do it myself.” Leanne said. Since Leanne built all her past websites, she knew a lot about how they should be run and maintained.


“Bizink wants to make sure that I get the service I want and it’s all done with smiles and happiness. Yeah, you might be paying a good price for but in my opinion you’re actually getting more than what you pay for with Bizink!” She is also using Bizink’s Marketing Services to boost their marketing.


“I would ABSOLUTELY without a doubt recommend Bizink. The team is fantastic, they understand the industry (which is actually really important), the content they have is awesome and did I mention the team is fabulous?” Leanne finished with “Do yourself a favour and switch to Bizink!”

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Agencje w: New Zealand