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GroupFractal Inc.

GroupFractal Inc.

We Increase Your Revenue Not Just Ranking!

Montreal, Quebec, Canada



We are Pioneers in eCommerce Marketing and AI Development

GroupFractal is a growth hacking company dedicated to empowering businesses in the digital landscape. Our expertise includes eCommerce marketing, web development, search engine marketing, conversion rate optimization (CRO), Google Analytics, paid advertising, AI development, and automation. As a Google Ads Certified Partner, we leverage cutting-edge tools and strategies to drive measurable results.

Our Expertise

eCommerce Marketing:

  • Crafting targeted campaigns to drive engagement and sales through email marketing, social media ads, and retargeting strategies.

Web Development:

  • Building high-performance, user-friendly, and responsive websites tailored to business needs, enhancing user experience and conversions.

Search Engine Marketing:

  • Integrating SEM with SEO to improve organic search footprint and stand out in competitive markets.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO):

  • Analyzing user behavior and website performance to remove conversion barriers, using A/B testing and advanced analytics.

Google Analytics:

  • Providing insights into website performance, understanding user behavior, and making data-driven decisions.

Paid Advertising:

  • Managing Google Ads, social media ads, and PPC campaigns to deliver high ROI, driving traffic and conversions.

AI Development and Automation:

  • Creating AI solutions that streamline business processes and enhance decision-making, including chatbots and data analysis automation.

Why Work With Us?

Extensive Experience:

  • Over 10 years of helping businesses grow leads and revenue using industry-leading best practices.

Proven Methodology:

  • Increasing CRO, organic SEO, and paid advertising effectiveness with quick, quality results.

Customized Strategies:

  • Tailored strategies to meet specific business needs, whether improving search rankings, driving traffic, or increasing conversions.

Comprehensive Services:

  • Full suite of digital marketing services, ensuring all aspects of your online presence are optimized for success.

Success Stories


  • 50% increase in organic traffic and 30% boost in conversion rates in six months through integrated SEO and CRO strategies.


  • 40% reduction in CPA and 25% increase in leads with targeted Google Ads campaigns and landing page optimizations.


  • Achieved top rankings and 160% increase in calls with local SEO efforts and customized marketing strategies.
Wielkość firmy klienta
Budget per project
$1,000 - $25,000+
Project duration
  • 1-3 months
  • 3-6 months
  • More than 6 months
Obszar geograficzny
  • Canada
  • United States
  • United Kingdom
  • Australia
  • France
  • Angielski
Historie sukcesu


J.R. Jewelers’ market is naturally competitive and exists in a luxury niche market. Building trust with customers and connecting with potential leads and customers proves difficult. By working with GroupFractal, J.R. Jewelers hoped to better understand why conversion rate was under performing.


GroupFractal’s approach involved a simultaneous two-layer strategy to increase conversion optimization: 1- Traffic acquisition for organic and paid channels. 2- Behavior/conversion layer. By focusing on the user experience and conversion funnel, we optimized pages across the website


With a foundation in place upon which to build a strategic, successful campaign, the results in the first three months include: 70% increase in ecommerce conversion rate. 60% increase in ecommerce transactions. 206% increase in total website revenue.


DVWarehouse.com faced low organic traffic and poor conversion rates. Despite a strong product offering, the site had limited search engine visibility and struggled to engage users, which significantly impacted their sales and growth potential.


GroupFractal conducted a comprehensive SEO audit to fix technical issues and optimize on-page elements. We improved keyword targeting, built authoritative backlinks, and enhanced meta tags. For CRO, we used Google Analytics and A/B testing to optimize landing pages and improve site usability.


Within six months, DVWarehouse.com experienced a 50% increase in organic traffic and a 30% boost in conversion rates. This resulted in higher search engine visibility, increased sales, and better user engagement, establishing a stronger online presence and sustained growth.


MyGiftStop.com faced high customer acquisition costs and low lead generation. Despite their efforts in digital marketing, the site struggled to attract targeted traffic and convert visitors into leads, affecting overall sales performance.


GroupFractal implemented targeted Google Ads campaigns and optimized landing pages to reduce acquisition costs and increase lead generation. We conducted in-depth keyword research, created compelling ad copy, and utilized A/B testing to refine landing page elements for better conversion rates.


Within a few months, MyGiftStop.com saw a 40% reduction in cost per acquisition (CPA) and a 25% increase in leads. This led to more efficient spending, higher lead quality, and improved overall sales performance, maximizing their advertising budget and enhancing profitability.

Nasi klienci
Nasze nagrody
Agencja GroupFractal Inc. (lokalizacja: Montreal, Quebec, Canada) zdobyła nagrodę Google Partner
Agencja GroupFractal Inc. (lokalizacja: Montreal, Quebec, Canada) zdobyła nagrodę WPEngine Agency partner
Agencja GroupFractal Inc. (lokalizacja: Montreal, Quebec, Canada) zdobyła nagrodę Clutch - Ecommerce Canada

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Agencje w: Montreal, Quebec, Canada