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Krohne & Storm ApS

Krohne & Storm ApS

Experienced Experts

Copenhagen, Capital Region of Denmark, Denmark



Who we are

What drives us is a deep understanding of you business and your needs. We are small ind numbers but big in knowledge of the digital marketing disciplines that helps your business in digital growth.

Who you are

You want to put you digital marketing in the hands of experienced experts with years of experience from the Digital Angency business. Your needs are in the center of our cooperation and you want partners that are willing to gain a deep understanding of your Business.

What we Offer

We offer unbiased digital media consultancy within a variety of marketing channels. We create digital media strategies, we do the research and choosing segments and audiences as well as execute the actual campaigns. On Google, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube and almost every other channel which is programmatic buying.

Fundamentals are key

We always take a holistic view and approach on your Business. Your digital fundamentals are key to success so we always begin with a thorough analysis of your current setup, before we set the course towards digital growth.

Wielkość firmy klienta
Budget per project
$2,500 - 5,000
Project duration
  • 1-3 months
Obszar geograficzny
  • Sweden
  • Norway
  • Denmark
  • Germany
  • Angielski
  • Niemiecki
  • Duński

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