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Leos media and interactive

Leos media and interactive

One stop shop of digital marketing

Haifa District, Israel



The largest and leading company in Israel for digital marketing and advertising, experts in website promotion on the Internet.
Model cenowy
  • Ryczałt
  • Dowolny
Obszar geograficzny
  • Israel
  • Angielski


average rating based on Google reviews
Oday Nassraon
Nov 22, 2022

great value for the money. after much years in doing business with marketing companies, i can say now that leos media is one of the best!! Very professional account manager Avi yechiel that just makes my life easier! totally worth it.

Melad Abedallaon
Feb 4, 2023

Very good service! The staff are very professional. They build websites and many related topics

Open on Google

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