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Marketing Guardians

Marketing Guardians

Get Marketing as an On-Demand Monthly Subscription

Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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Welcome to Marketing Guardians, where we transform your marketing from a headache to a growth engine. Imagine having a team so in sync with you, it feels like family, all dedicated to making your company shine through the power of storytelling. Forget the old, frustrating ways of marketing. With us, it's about clear, effective messages that bring results and growth.

We're more than just a service; we're your long-term growth partners. We dive deep into what makes your business tick, listening and understanding your story, your highs, your lows, and everything in between. We're here to build trust and relationships because we know that's the real secret to marketing success.

Tired of throwing money at marketing without seeing results? We've been crafting winning strategies for 12 years, thanks to our secret weapon: the StoryBrand process. It's not just about telling your story; it's about making your customers the heroes, leading to a transformation that they're eager to be a part of.

Our mission? To be your ultimate marketing support. We don't start with solutions; we start with listening. Your dreams, your challenges, and your vision are our starting points. From there, we craft a marketing presence that doesn't just speak but resonates, turning leads into customers, and customers into fans.

We specialize in nailing your brand story and turning it into your most powerful marketing tool. More sales, more visibility, more leads—it all starts with your story. Whether B2C or B2B, your story is our foundation for making your brand unforgettable.

Join us, and let's build a marketing strategy that’s as effective as it is authentic. With strategy, creativity, and technology, we’re ready to take your small business to new heights. No complications, just growth.

Wielkość firmy klienta
Model cenowy
  • Stawka godzinowa
  • Ryczałt
  • Za projekt
  • Za wartość/wyniki
  • $2,500 +
Obszar geograficzny
  • Canada
  • United States
  • Angielski
Historie sukcesu


CalFast aimed to boost online sales amid rising e-commerce trends and the pandemic. They aspired to offer convenience like many of their competitors while preserving their signature friendly customer service and community vibe, thereby reaching more customers.


We did a deep dive into their website analytics and reviewed competitor websites to determine how we could improve their online shopping experience. Through our analysis, we were able to advise on improvements to their website as well as launch and maintain several successful Ad Campaigns.


We optimized an online shopping experience by analyzing website analytics, reviewing competitors, enhancing product search, streamlining checkout, supporting social media promotions, and launching effective ad campaigns, achieving a 3x return on ad spend.


Fareconnect wanted to increase their agent recruitment. They had tried their own recruitment strategy but were heavily relying on word of mouth and referrals. Because you do not need certifications or experience to become an agent, we needed to find a way to target potential agents and recruit.


We manage various promotional initiatives for Fareconnect, such as a recruitment campaign that has tripled monthly agent sign-ups. Additionally, we coordinate promotional campaigns with travel partners like WestJet, Norwegian Cruise Lines, and location-specific promotions.


We identified retirees, stay-at-home parents, and travel enthusiasts as the key target audiences. We developed targeted messaging, specific landing pages, and ad campaigns for each group, along with tailored live and pre-recorded webinars, followed by customized drip campaigns and presentations.


Onsite Support approached us looking for a rebrand, a new way to share their story and reposition themselves in the market. They needed all the supporting marketing tools to help launch their new brand, including a new website, social media channels, and marketing collateral.


We worked with them to bring their vision to life. They wanted the new direction of the company to look sleek, modern, and professional. We chose a minimalist style to capture the essence of the word “modality,” which means a particular mode in which something exists or is experienced.


Once the new branding was established, we built a new website, managed their social media and ad campaigns, and created supporting marketing collateral. Website traffic increased by 72%, seeing a 20% month-over-month growth in new website users.

Nasi klienci
Agencja Marketing Guardians (lokalizacja: Calgary, Alberta, Canada) pomogła firmie Fareconnect Travel + Cruise Centre rozwinąć działalność poprzez działania SEO i marketing cyfrowy
Agencja Marketing Guardians (lokalizacja: Calgary, Alberta, Canada) pomogła firmie Equipment Capital Corp. rozwinąć działalność poprzez działania SEO i marketing cyfrowy
Agencja Marketing Guardians (lokalizacja: Calgary, Alberta, Canada) pomogła firmie Fountainhead Mechanical Inc. rozwinąć działalność poprzez działania SEO i marketing cyfrowy
Agencja Marketing Guardians (lokalizacja: Calgary, Alberta, Canada) pomogła firmie KUVA Gas Cloud Imaging rozwinąć działalność poprzez działania SEO i marketing cyfrowy
Agencja Marketing Guardians (lokalizacja: Calgary, Alberta, Canada) pomogła firmie Modality Technology Partners rozwinąć działalność poprzez działania SEO i marketing cyfrowy
Agencja Marketing Guardians (lokalizacja: Calgary, Alberta, Canada) pomogła firmie Awesome Journey rozwinąć działalność poprzez działania SEO i marketing cyfrowy
Nasze nagrody
Agencja Marketing Guardians (lokalizacja: Calgary, Alberta, Canada) zdobyła nagrodę Canadian Aboriginal and Minority Supplier Council
Agencja Marketing Guardians (lokalizacja: Calgary, Alberta, Canada) zdobyła nagrodę Best In Calgary
Agencja Marketing Guardians (lokalizacja: Calgary, Alberta, Canada) zdobyła nagrodę Chamber of Commerce

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Agencje w: Calgary, Alberta, Canada