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Seapoint Digital

Seapoint Digital

Marketing cyfrowy w najlepszym wydaniu.

Kittery, Maine, United States



Seapoint Digital to wielokrotnie nagradzana agencja marketingu cyfrowego, która oferuje innowacyjne rozwiązania dla klientów z różnych branż. Specjalizujemy się w projektowaniu stron internetowych, optymalizacji SEO, tworzeniu treści i reklamach cyfrowych.
Budżet na projekt
$5,000 - 10,000
Czas trwania projektu
  • Dowolny
Obszar geograficzny
  • United States
  • Angielski
  • Hiszpański


Ocena średnia opiera się na opiniach pochodzących zarówno z Map Google, jak i z platformy Semrush.
Teri Woods
Aug 2, 2022

I have been using Sea Point digital for a number of years. Always very professional, they are extremely helpful and provide great products. I particularly like the 3-D walking tours. Kristy is very accommodating to any changes that need to be made as we go. The photos and tours are delivered in a very timely manner.

Jenna Noone
Aug 1, 2022

Kristy at Seapoint Digital is our go to for Matterport! She is super professional, easy to schedule & work with and goes the extra step to make sure everything in the home or space will photography well. Her communication & ideas are always great when we are coming up with a plan for our more complicated properties. We always recommend Seapoint to our collogues!

Zac Brubach
Aug 3, 2022

Kristy Billingslea recently did a virtual tour for our Chilton Furniture - Scarborough location and she did a phenomenal job! She is extremely professional, to-the-point, and yet very funny and personable. After the job was complete and the day was done, for my work, I went home and had a conversation with my fiancé about how solid Kristy is as a person and how well she conducts herself when on the jobsite. The follow up after the work was completed took exactly how long she said it would and was very detailed about the next steps with tagging the images. Highly recommend! You will not be disappointed.

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