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The Get Smart Group

The Get Smart Group

ROI Driven Marketing

Angels Camp, California, United States

Praca zdalna



The Get Smart Group is an amazing team of marketers, writers, media buyers and creatives. Our primary focus is to support all companies that help homeowners have a better home. We are a full service marketing agency that specializes in At-home recreation, Home Improvement and Contractor Marketing.
Wielkość firmy klienta
Model cenowy
  • Stawka godzinowa
  • Ryczałt
  • Za projekt
  • Za wartość/wyniki
  • $5,000+
Obszar geograficzny
  • United States
  • Angielski
Historie sukcesu


Our client is in a very competitive home services space. 70%+ of business comes from the local pack listing in other markets. The challenge was to create tons of relevant content and position their service area business so we can enter the local pack for San Francisco.


We developed over 120 pages of new content for their website, restructured all blog data to show up in the proper Google results boxes and created a moderate back-link strategy. Reporting was reviewed weekly. This work is ongoing as they add more services.


We were able to get them into the local pack (3 map listings) within 90 days, resulting in a 62% boost in business year-over-year. We've also moved them from pages 3-5 to the first page for over 70 high-value keywords in and around San Francisco.


Raise organic rankings for a nationwide financing company. This is an insanely competitive space with several nationwide competitors. We are also attempting to reducing their paid spend as organic results improve.


Over the course of 12 months, we've added nearly 55,000 words of unique, seo-optimized content. We've also written a custom wordpress solution to feed all of their site content in a google-specific format to increase rankings. We also built a few custom "sticky" tools to increase time on site.


This client continues to climb and now ranks in the top 3 for 4 extremely-high-value keywords resulting in tens-of-millions of dollars of annual revenue. We are now working on second-tier keywords which we anticipate will bring another $5-10 million in annual revenue.

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