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Top Rated SEO Agency in India, Social media agency


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UpRango is a global leader in next-generation digital marketing services and solutions Our digital marketing experts understand the connection between product and users. We make a conscious effort to satisfy your needs and to go above and beyond at all times.

We are most successful digital marketing solution agency, formed on February 14, 2012, that specializes in services such as PPC, SEO, Lead Generation, and all digital services, as well as reputation management.

Features & Benefits:

  • Proven track record of successful campaigns
  • Highly experienced Team of dedicated Digital marketers
  • Advanced technology used for keyword research and account optimization
  • Use integrated marketing approaches to get the most out of resources both time and money invested in digital marketing channels
  • Increase accessibility of your products/services to having targeting audiences increasing sales opportunities in organic search engine results

Certifications: We are certified from

  1. Hubspot Inbound marketing
  2. SEMrush Keyword Research
  3. SEMrush PPC
  4. SEMRUSH On page and Technical SEO

We've created a reputation for delivering measurable outcomes for over more than a decade. Thousands of pleased clients and great service have marked a remarkable ten-year journey. We have the largest digital marketing staff in-house and are available 24 hours a day.

Model cenowy
  • Stawka godzinowa
  • Ryczałt
  • Za projekt
  • $1,000 +
Obszar geograficzny
  • United Arab Emirates
  • South Africa
  • United States
  • United Kingdom
  • Australia
  • India
  • Angielski
Historie sukcesu


The challenges of client are 1. Website was not searchable with Brand name and keywords 2. Low organic traffic, generic traffic was coming a lot 3. Leads are not coming as best home stage services in Australia So the client wants to rank on high in top 3 to top 10, potential traffic & Leads.


We Implemented the below scope of work -finding the potential keywords -did the competitors analysis -Implemented Onpage and Technical SEO -Created the engaged content and did the content marketing and blogging -Implemented the LOCAL SEO -Implemented the backlinks campaign


Achievable Results -We got the ranking in top 3 and top 10 -Potential traffic increased by 120% where the organic traffic increased by 110% -32% increase in organic clicks and 67% in Impression -20% increase in leads


Challenges: 1. The organic ranking were not good 2. Conversions rate are not good 3. The Ads Campaigns are not converting the leads


Implemented Solutions 1. Analyzed the website for SEO and Google Ads 2. Fixed the technical, On page SEO issues 3. Did the keywords research best for business 4. Created the latest content strategy 5. Refined the backlinks strategy 6. GMB & Google Ads optimization and Analysis


After Implemented the above Solutions we got the great results by 300% increase in the conversions through Form Submission Uplift the ranking for the keywords to Top 5 and top10 The Domain value is increased and the page authority The conversions for Google Ads increase by 30%


The Following Challenges The Business Owner has 1. No Search Engine Visibility 2. No leads 3. No Qualified traffic 4. No Ranking 5. No brand Awareness


The Scope of work we Implemented for Creative Intelligent Website (Creativeintelligent.com) -SEO audits -Keyword research -Onpage SEO -Backlinks creation -Inbound content Strategy -Google Ads -Local SEO


The following results we achieved in 3 months 1. 110% qualified Organic traffic enhancement 2. 60% qualified Leads through form, Call and emails 3. High Keywords Ranking for all services on USA 4. Enhancement in Social and brand awareness

Nasi klienci
Agencja UpRango (lokalizacja: India) pomogła firmie Creative Intelligent rozwinąć działalność poprzez działania SEO i marketing cyfrowy
Agencja UpRango (lokalizacja: India) pomogła firmie The Haus Exchange rozwinąć działalność poprzez działania SEO i marketing cyfrowy
Agencja UpRango (lokalizacja: India) pomogła firmie BEARDED BROS REMOVALS rozwinąć działalność poprzez działania SEO i marketing cyfrowy
Agencja UpRango (lokalizacja: India) pomogła firmie Bike And a Box rozwinąć działalność poprzez działania SEO i marketing cyfrowy
Agencja UpRango (lokalizacja: India) pomogła firmie Dr Dhall and Plant Hire rozwinąć działalność poprzez działania SEO i marketing cyfrowy
Agencja UpRango (lokalizacja: India) pomogła firmie Jivati Drinks rozwinąć działalność poprzez działania SEO i marketing cyfrowy
Nasze nagrody
Agencja UpRango (lokalizacja: India) zdobyła nagrodę HubSpot Inbound Marketing Certfication
Agencja UpRango (lokalizacja: India) zdobyła nagrodę SEMrush PPC Certification
Agencja UpRango (lokalizacja: India) zdobyła nagrodę SEMrush Onpage & Technical SEO Certfication

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Agencje w: India