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Rozwiązania e-biznesowe

Paris, Paris, Ile-de-France, France



Specjalistyczna agencja internetowa e-commerce: Prestashop / SEO / SEA Certyfikowana agencja: - Prestashop platynowy od 11 lat. - Partner Google - Konsultant Analytics - Konsultant Adwords - Semrush Nasza agencja zatrudnia 15 pracowników specjalizujących się w e-commerce: tworzenie witryn e-commerce, przeprojektowanie, migracja, rozwój niestandardowy, projekt niestandardowy, wsparcie marketingowe, kampanie SEO / SEA. Globalna strategia.
Budżet na projekt
Począwszy od $1,000
Czas trwania projektu
  • Począwszy od 3-6 months
Obszar geograficzny
  • Belgium
  • France
  • Mauritius
  • Angielski
  • Francuski


Ocena średnia opiera się na opiniach pochodzących zarówno z Map Google, jak i z platformy Semrush.
Didier [Global Néoprène]
Nov 6, 2024

Very competent and responsive team, including my account manager (florian) and the founder. you have to trust their extranet which works well. Every time I had an emergency, they resolved the issues quickly. They really know 360° e-commerce Very attractive price considering that in this area some people abuse the prices

garda aquatic
Jan 8, 2024

Serious and fast team, if you are looking for a responsive service provider in the event of a bug you will not find better, I find that the organization of Ecomiz is rigorous and I am committed to quality, more than 10 years with Ecomiz and if the team does not give up this way of working I am with for several more years.

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It takes about 3 minutes.

Agencje w: Paris, Paris, Ile-de-France, France

It takes about 3 minutes.