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Semrush Toolkits
Organic Research
Researching SERP Features
SERP Features: Events

SERP Features: Events

Events on Google show events happening at certain times and locations. For example, concerts, lectures, or festivals. Details such as date, time, location, website, and organization are shown in the block. This makes the SERP feature easy for users to find, discover, share, and attend events through Google Search results. 

If your event is ranked, you could benefit from increased chances of discovery and attendance.  

Here’s what events look like on desktop results: 

What Events SERP feature looks like on desktop devices

And on mobile results:

What Events look like on mobile SERPs

How to Rank for an Event 

To increase your chance of ranking for an event, focus on the following guidelines stated by Google: 

For further tips on event schema, target audience, building an event page, and reporting, refer to our blog article: The SEO Marketing Guide for Events

How Semrush Collects Data About Events

  • When we scan a keyword’s SERP, we identify whether or not an event is present anywhere on the results page. 
  • If an event is present on the SERP, you’ll see its gray icon in the SF column.
  • Since we cannot currently collect URLs related to events, we cannot say if a queried domain is featured and cannot save it as a position.